We live in a time where it is more important than ever to know why we believe what we believe, and to live what we believe.  Renew Bible College Night School exists to raise up ministry leaders and equip all Believers to be world transformers within their sphere of influence.

RBC Night School will focus on the practical outworking of Biblical knowledge.  We must have a strong and watertight foundational belief to our Christian faith, therefore doctrine is incredibly important BUT this knowledge must be grounded in the person of Jesus and be outworked by being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The Disciples changed the world and they were ‘uneducated nobodies’ who never made the cut for higher-learning but they did have a Call and a wholehearted passion to serve God in their generation.  These are the people RBC Night School aims to serve.

Our desire for RBC Night School is to help passionate Believers be equipped to advance the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.

God is calling you to a life of discipleship.



We understand that people are rarely at the same place on their faith journey.  Therefore RBC Night School endeavours to focus on four areas of teaching covering four Sundays a month.

Week 1. Foundations – Faith foundations for new and growing Christians. (First Sunday of the month)

Week 2. Leaders Dev. – Tried and true principles for ministry leaders.  (Second Sunday of the month)

Week 3. Delve Deeper – Old-school Bible Study for a new millennium.  (Third Sunday of the month)

Week 4. Elephant in the room – Talking about the issues with a Christian worldview.  (Fourth Sunday of the month)

Week 5. Wild Card – Leaving our options open. (Fifth Sunday of the month)



Our lecturers will be predominantly our Lead pastor Symon Drake, supplemented by Renew Church’s Key Team and ministry friends of our church.

RBC Night School will also include video lectures from various sources as well as hosting guest lecturers.



For more information, including course topics, dates, format,  fees and more, download our Renew Bible College Booklet here.



If you are interested in attending RBC Night School  or just want to know more, we would love to hear from you!   Please email us at: or you can fill out the form below to be kept up to date with our weekly topics and guest speakers:




Symon and Kristy Drake – Lead Pastors, Renew Church