meet the team.
symon and kristy drake
lead pastors
Symon and Kristy are the Lead Pastors of Renew Church in Whangārei and Global and have been in full time ministry since 1997. They are wholehearted in their commitment to lead a multigenerational church which relates to, and champions tomorrow’s history-makers. They are desperately passionate about encouraging/equipping people to reach their full potential in God, and communicating the truths of His word in ways that are easy to understand, relevant and applicable to people’s everyday lives. They have four kids, a lovely daughter-in-law, four cats and a dog.
On 17th March 2024, Renew Church was officially welcomed into the New Life movement. Watch here to hear Symon & Kristy share about Renew Church’s journey in recently joining New Life.
the staff team
mitch & larissa gray – assistant pastors
julian squires – small groups & people care
liam mcgrath – youth & young adults pastor
frances esveld – children’s pastor/outreach coordinator
shemayah drake – administration
sue adams – reception
renew pastors
symon & kristy drake – lead pastors
mitch & larissa gray – assistant pastors
julian & keri squires – pastors
paula & seru tabakinabou – pasifika pastors
chris & ruth de’ath – pastors
the oversight team
symon drake
kristy drake
julian squires
richard venning
chris de’ath
fiji pastors
ravulolo & makelesi tuikubulau
Ravulolo and Makelesi are the National Overseers of Renew Church Fiji, which include several churches throughout the Fijian Islands. Ravulolo has a burning passion to see Fiji revived/awakened by the Holy Spirit and they work tirelessly proclaiming and demonstrating God’s love and goodness to people who desperately need Him. Visit their website here.